- Stoc: In Stoc
- Model: Huggy Orange
Setul de baie Huggy este facut din bumbac organic 100%.
Setul include prosopul cu gluga cu model in dungi si o manusa pentru baie. Manusa are si urechiuse simpatice astfel incat atunci cand nu e folosita la baie este o dragalasa papusa de mana. Baita va fi un excelent moment de joaca!
Filozofia Keptin Jr
”Luam joaca in serios. Cu peste 20 ani experienta, iata ce obiectiv are ”parintele jucariilor”: The child and its parents, that is what it is all about. How do you make sure a child feels good and falls asleep easily? We know from parents that a familiar cuddly toy plays an important role in this. It is our task to apply knowledge of the child to the development of our cuddly toys so that they contribute to the rest and relaxation of the growing child. It always makes us feel satisfied when parents tell us that our product really helped them to take care of their child. Then we have reached our goal! (Willem Flendrie - Managing director)”
1. Incercam ca pozele sa reflecte cat mai mult realitatea. Totusi, nuanta din poza este posibil sa difere de cea a produsului.
2. Aceasta jucarie vine fara ambalaj sau eticheta cusuta!